
ABS is officially indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

Published: 2024-03-25

On March 20, 2024, a confirmation letter reached the editorial office of Annals of Breast Surgery (ABS) that the journal met the selection criteria necessary to be included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index. Articles published in ABS after 2022, beginning with Vol 6(1), will be included in Emerging Sources Citation Index (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The letter from Web of Science™ Core Collection

The Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) is a citation index produced since 2015 by Thomson Reuters and now by Clarivate. According to the publisher, the index includes "peer-reviewed publications of regional importance and in emerging scientific fields" (1). Journals in ESCI have passed an initial editorial evaluation and can continue to be considered for inclusion in products such as SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI (1). All ESCI journals are indexed according to the same data standards, including cover-to-cover indexing, cited reference indexing, subject category assignment, and indexing all authors and addresses (1).

Annals of Breast Surgery (Ann Breast Surg; ABS; online ISSN 2616-2776) is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal, which provides current and practical information on prevention, diagnosis, and clinical investigations of breast diseases. The journal focuses on cutting-edge findings in the field of breast cancer surgery and reconstruction technique, neoadjuvant therapy, genetic susceptibility and prophylactic mastectomy, including but not limited to, multimodality therapy, biomarkers, imaging, biology, pathology, clinical trial, nursing and technical advances related to breast surgery. 

With the unwavering support and massive dedication of our distinguished editorial board members (Figure 2), guest editors, authors, readers, reviewers, and editorial staff, ABS has been running steadily. Since its launch in August 2017, a total 232 articles have been officially published (Figure 3), among them there are 83 Review Articles, 65 Review Articles, 30 Case Reports, etc. Number of published articles each year presents a stable tendency with 2023 reaching to 40 pieces in total. Corresponding authors of 40 articles published in 2023 come from 14 countries (Figure 4), most of whom come from the USA (20%), Denmark(20%), the UK(10%) and Italy (10%). 

Figure 2. Geographical distribution of the current editorial board members (Former Editorial Board: 

Figure 3. Articles published in ABS (2017.8-2024.3)

Figure 4. Geographical distribution of corresponding authors in 2023

In the future, we believe ABS will publish more and more high-quality articles and become a top-tier platform for researchers and physicians in the field of breast surgery around the world.


1. "ESCI Fact Sheet" (PDF). Clarivate.

Editorial Office

Annals of Breast Surgery