On December 7th, 2024, we received the good news from Elsevier that Annals of Breast Surgery (ABS) has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus.
Annals of Breast Surgery (ABS) is an international peer-reviewed journal providing current and practical information on prevention, diagnosis, and clinical investigations of breast diseases. It focuses on cutting-edge findings in the field of breast cancer surgery and reconstruction technique, neoadjuvant therapy, genetic susceptibility and prophylactic mastectomy, including but not limited to, multimodality therapy, biomarkers, imaging, biology, pathology, clinical trial, nursing and technical advances related to breast surgery.
We can’t achieve this without the continuous support and contributions of ABS’s editorial board members, guest editors, authors, reviewers and readers. We here would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the contributors. We will keep striving to publish high-quality articles and make ABS to the forefront.